Wednesday 10 December 2008

Piezzo Landscape

Some pictures, taken by Pierre-Antoine Delpino, of the sound installation presented during the Rivington Place invigilators' show.

The idea is to make the visitor interacting with a physical object, that is triggering sounds broadcasted into the exhibition space. The visitor becomes part of the installation as an actor and a listener.

In this installation, 80 different samples of sounds can be triggered. They are the result of one year of recording since my father died, the 20th of december 2007, all drawn from my affected sound environment and sound memories. Some of the sound are my father's own recordings, where we can hear him play the tuba and talk.

The visitors can create their own soundscape as a threnody, a journey through a long and confused grief.
Recordings will be taking place on the 11th of december from 6 - 8pm and a copy on CD will be given on demand.

To my dad, the musician and the artist.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Barbara, nice to meat you, (Nitin Shroff). I am looking at your blog, very interesting, like the work with paradox, sounds in nature, I am sorry you lost your father. Good work, yours and I will look more and see you in London again, I checked out Paul's work, again, very good. And the marmite/yeast thing, killed me and I dont know why.

All the best......N